Is spring just around the corner?

I’d like to be able to say that the forecast this week is more of a typical February winter week.  Unfortunately, it’s not going to be.  Are we going to have a winter?

If you believe the forecasters, the weather pattern will turn more seasonable.  If you believe a rodent, then spring is just around the corner.

I want winter.  A little winter.  I’d settle for a good dusting of snow!

Daytime high temperatures are going to range from near 60 to near 70 degrees by Wednesday.  There’s a slight chance of rain tonight and tomorrow, but no mention of ice, snow, sleet or any other type of precipitation you’d normally associate with a typical winter in Oklahoma.

I realize it’s still early.  We have had snow falling in March before.  But the extended forecast makes no mention of winter wonderment.  We’re doomed to look at brown, dormant grasses and leafless trees as our winter landscape for a while longer.

Hopefully the damned groundhog is wrong.  But, if he’s right, at least bring on a few springtime storms.  We need the rain and I need something to chase.

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