The week ahead? More normal.

It’s been an “okay” weekend.  A little bit of rain yesterday kept me out of the yard.  Not totally a bad thing, but I do have things to do out there.  I’ve still got some bulbs to plant and flower beds to clean out and re-mulch.  Maybe I’ll get a break in the weather through the week to do some of it.  If I get out of the office early enough in the evening.

We have rain chances every day for the next week.  The most likely day will be Monday evening and again on Wednesday.  But there’s slight chances the rest of the time.  Temps will be more normal for this time of year.  Highs in the 70s and lows in the 40s and 50s.

My thoughts are to enjoy the sunshine when you can and be thankful we’re getting some rain right now.  We can use it.  The last couple of years have been less than spectacular and a nice green spring and summer would be wonderful.

Have a great week.

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