bin Laden dead, now what?

Last night Obama announced that Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan during a joint operation between the CIA and US military. His body was recovered and he was “buried” at sea.

Now that he’s dead, do I feel safer? No.

Chances are terrorists will ramp up their rhetoric and attacks on US interests here and abroad. State Department sources say they have ordered US Embassies to beef up security. New York law enforcement is also taking extra precautions. We should all be more aware of what’s going on around us.

Just because the head scumbag of a group of scumbags is dead, doesn’t mean we’re safe now. The war is NOT over. Keep the guard up and be prepared for anything.

Pakistan? He was in a fortified compound in the middle of Pakistan’s military-ville, living a pretty secure life in YOUR country. Try to talk your way out of this one. It’s time we cut off all aid to your country and put your sorry asses on notice. If you harbor a fugitive again, you’ll pay a price for your stupidity.

Now what? We need to keep the pressure on. Keep searching for the other psychos in the bin Laden regime. And when we find them, bury them. And, if we find out that Pakistan played a shell game with us, we take appropriate action to punish them for the deceit.

Above all, we must stay vigilant in our fight for decency and truth.

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