I’ll probably jinx us by writing this, but there is a pretty good chance of snow on Tuesday.  There, I said it.  A good chance of snow.

After weeks of a “blah” winter, it looks like we’ll finally see some of the frozen white stuff.  At least, right now, it’s looking promising.  Beginning with a sleet/snow mix Tuesday morning, then turning to all snow.  The snow should taper off around midnight.  It’s not going to be a blizzard, but preliminary forecasts suggest total accumulation of 3 to 4 inches.


Finally some winter weather!

It’s early though.  Winter storms are difficult to forecast and until snow actually falls at your house, the forecast can change.  I’ve been watching this for a few days now, and the mention of snow has been in and out of the forecast so often, I was beginning to give up on the whole idea of seeing anything resembling winter precipitation this year.

We have a couple days to get ready for it.  Temps are expected to only be in the mid to upper 30s on Tuesday, so a heavy coat would probably be a good.  Maybe some gloves, too.

Dig out the ice melt, snow shovel, fill the automobile up with that expensive gasoline, and wait for Tulsa to turn into the wintry wonderland we’ve been dreaming about.

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