For some of us, the winter storm we had anticipated and hoped for didn’t materialize.  I’d made plans to put on some vegetable soup this morning and shovel some snow later today.  You know, a snow day.  A day like the Tulsa schools got.


Only 1” of snow fell in the Tulsa area, well short of the 3-4” forecast.  Not even a bit of ice!  The roads this morning weren’t bad at all.  It was wet and slushy in spots, but not treacherous enough to ditch today’s office schedule for my planned wintry activities.


We could see a bit of drizzle or freezing drizzle today, but additional accumulation isn’t expected.  Temperatures will be warm enough to melt off anything that should fall. 

For weeks I have waited for the first winter storm of the year.  I’m disappointed.  Come on Mother Nature!  Get it together! 

Now we can look forward to warming temperatures and sunshine for the rest of the week.  Next weekend should be sunny and back into the upper 50s or low 60s.


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