I should have planned better


It’s been a relatively quiet weekend here at the Ponderosa, but from what I’m looking at now, I should have planned my day a little better.  In eastern Arkansas, and to the south and east, severe storms and tornadoes are entirely possible.  Who would have thought that a moderate tornado risk would have been issued today?  It’s January, for goodness sake.

There’s not much I can do about it now.  I would have had to leave yesterday to get into position for a chase today.  So, I’m here.  It’s there.

Little is going on weather wise here in Oklahoma either.  More of the same mild weather.  No storms.  No winter weather.  So…it appears that I’ll be puttering around the house and running to the market.  Oh joy.

If you live in the risk areas, please take the set-up seriously.  Have your weather radio on and listen to your local radio and TV forecasts, watches and warnings.


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