The heat index is still a concern for the next couple of days, along with the higher risk of fire danger.  As I write this, the heat index is 100°; 108° in the sun.  The heat combined with the low humiday (46%) and no wind, has also brought an ozone alert for Tulsa today — the air quality isn’t that great.  I think we can all agree that we need a break.

We could get our wish in a couple of days.  A cold front will be moving our way.

There’s a slight chance of rain and thunderstorms on Tuesday and the temps will fall into the low 90s and upper 80s.  We could even see mid 60s for overnight lows.  I’m really hoping that this forecast really does materialize.

I’ll keep watching the pattern and keep everyone posted as it progresses.

I’m also watching a couple of hurricane potentials for next week.  TD 6 could become a tropical storm later today.  It’s over the Atlantic ocean and not near land yet, but it could come very close to Bermuda.  Current models are forecasting TD 6 will become a hurricane by Wednesday.

In the Pacific waters is Hurricane Frank.  This storm is off the coast of Mexico right now.  The current models indicate that it’s will probably reach the small island of Isla Socorro sometime next weekend as a categroy 1 hurricane.

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