Tulsa area: 7 tornadoes confirmed

You know, when I watched Thursday morning’s storm move into the area, the first thing that come to my mind was “this is a tornado.”  Earlier reports stated that we were hit with 100 mph winds. Channel 6 News in Tulsa is now confirming 7 tornado touchdowns in the Tulsa Area.  My neighborhood was in the path of one of them and that report is consistent with the last radar image I captured before losing power. 

When the power went out, my radar software had just uploaded this image.  It shows rotation in the cell just before it hit my neighborhood.

Last radar image capture on May 13 and path of EF2 tornado

 This graphic, courtesy of Channel 6, shows the tornadoes in the Tulsa area and the location of my neighborhood, Briarglen.

Channel 6 Graphic of Tornado Path

The question of whether we were directly hit by a tornado will probably go unanswered, since it was dark and visual sightings of a tornado haven’t been reported.  But, the fact remains that an EF2 tornado did go through our area and the damage in my neighborhood is consistent with violent rotating winds.

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